
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Grant Writing Panel

I learned about review panels, submission techniques, and values to discern quality grant proposals.
·         Find a mentor
·         Submit quality vs. quantity
·         Determine your team prior
o   Collaborate/brainstorm early
·         Include pictures
·         Avoid jargon –an issue for me in the past
·         Explain the purpose up front
·         Clear
·         Concise
·         Research who you will be submitting to
o   Network
o   Understand what they fund
o   What results they will expect (e.g. a project vs. data)
o   Grading criteria
o   Address required criteria
·         Accept/integrate feedback

I would like to learn more about

·         Books
·         resources
·         Workshops
·         Verbiage
·         On-campus resources:
o   grant writing
o   mentors
o   submission

I've attached my notes from the video feed. The document also includes my unedited reflection (the edited version is in Google Docs and was revised to be less than 100 words), 
Discussion points:

I would like to learn more about

  • Books
  • resources
  • Workshops
  • Verbiage
  • On-campus resources:
    • grant writing
    • mentors
    • submission
My Photo

Senior UI/UX web designer at a large-scale IT contractor for defense, intelligence, and civilian government solutions. Adventurist and certified Yoga / Barre Instructor. Love aviation, books, and travel.Prefer long light hearted series in mystery, comedy, fantasy, and romance.

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