Noami is a sad somber character in a normal gray world dropped out of the fictional boredom into a Wizard of Oz style version of Pride and Prejudice. The story will set you up with tid bits to be explained far later, which is the best part. I promise my analogies will not ruin the story for you or give you any insights what-so-ever.
This is a love tale awry. The puzzle of Naomi's life smoothly cleans up in a way you wouldn't expect as the story progresses. Unlike many modern magical tales this author, Emily Croy Baker, does a good job of not leaving you hanging at the end. I think she has a nice setting and good lines to move onto another book if she chooses but she cleans up all her bread crumbs and dots all her i's nicely.
You will not be disappointed by the author or the narrator. Both did a fantastic job in this book. Five stars well earned.
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